Wednesday, April 20, 2011


WrestleZone is reporting that TNA is having great difficulty finding somebody to reveal as the head of the Network, the mysterious entity that has been making the Hogan/Bischoff regime miserable.

Despite reports claiming that TNA President Dixie Carter is set to be the big reveal, many websites are saying that it is just simply not the case.

WrestleZone says that Mick Foley has been suggested, but that these plans are falling through. Mick apparently has not been bluffing about not signing a new contract with TNA, and made them aware of the fact that he is just not into being a part of the network. The rest of the details are only known to those involved.

This is pretty bad for TNA, though. The angle itself isn't even that great, but if they can't find someone that the fans will be happy with, TNA is just going to keep doing the downward spiral its on.

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