This book should be an interesting piece of eye candy...
Just released this past week is the cover for Linda Bollea's (ex-Mrs. Hulk Hogan's) book, titled, Wrestling The Hulk: My Life Against The Ropes. We knew this book was coming, and in June, it will be out on bookshelves across the world.
Let me first say that I'm not crazy about the cover. Why is she in a boxing ring? Why does she have to wear such gaudy clothing, and why in the hell is she so orange? She looks like a Real Housewife or a Jersey Shore-castoff. Anyways, this book should be real interesting, and, considering how nasty their divorce was, be really juicy and probably even backhanded.
Eric Bischoff has already put in his two cents about this book, writing on his official Facebook page:
"Just saw the cover of Linda Bollea's new book. That
picture of Linda Bollea looks about as much like Linda
Bollea, as I do Tom Cruise! She is clearly NUTS!! Can't wait for this piece
of fiction to hit the bookstores."
While I do agree with Bischoff that a) Linda is airbrushed to oblivion in this ridiculous cover, and b) the authenticity of some things are going to be contested by Hogan and crew, I think that Bischoff is a bit of a biased source here, considering how close he is to Hulk Hogan. He may know quite a bit about how the marriage of Hulk and Linda was, but nobody ever truly knows what goes on behind closed doors.
The book summary goes as follows:
"Linda Bollea's book is an uplifting tell-all that details her life, the traumas,
and how much better life is now that she is no longer married. She will include
all the trials she endured during her marriage, Nick's accident, and the other
things she has accomplished."
I have no doubt that this book may be nasty, and will more than likely take potshots at the WWE 2005 Hall of Famer and current TNA Personality -- after all, in his last book, he described Linda as an "abusive alcoholic". I'll probably pick this book up in June; I have yet to read Hulk's account of things, but maybe it's time I do that as well. Anyways, I have a feeling that this is going to open up a whole new can of worms, and perhaps even lawsuits, between Hulk and Linda. If that's the case, all I can say is it's unfortunate for Brooke and Nick, who must be devastated with the prospect that their parents can't seem to be civil or in the same room with one another.
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